Friday, September 30, 2011

Alt As Can Be (1:05:11)

How far outside of mainstream music
does your comfort zone allow?

Let's examine that premise closely
through the following tunes...


DJ Useo-Alt As Can Be

01-He's Gon'na Kill Me For This-
KIRK Radio,With Your Host,Kirk

02-Tater Totz-
Give Peace A Chance/We Will Rock You


(Kendal Mintcake Total Remix)

05-Fred Schneider-Monster

06-Horace Weintraub-
Polka Me Hard

07-Goombas On Parade-
Harvey's No-nose Rag

(Ryley Jack Mix)

09-Jerry Jerry & The Sons Of Rhythm-

10-He's Gon'na Kill Me For This-
Project Babble Smear

11-Jacob E. Darkcider-
The Message

12-Jazzy Jon & His Denizens Of The Deep-
Occasional Man

13-I Smoke Too Much Pot-
I hate My Graphic Designer! Lazy Bitch!

14-Joey Luck-Your Underwear
(You Left Them In My Car)

15-Leah Zicari-30/99

16-Lesly Legens-No No Beef Jerky

17-Loserama-Knocking On The Walls II

(The Second Coming)

19-Mike Church-
Chris Walken Wonderland

20-Paula K.Lynch-
Bach Double Guitar Concerto

21-Fergus MacCool-
Outback World News

22-Hollis Gymr-Show & Tell

23-Fred & Al-My Doggie has Died

24-Foon-Billy had A Goat

25-Piglet's Conscience-Morph

26-In One Ear & Out Your Mother-
Mr.Happy Plays Guitar



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