Sunday, May 19, 2024

Anarchy Arias vs Brad Brunner

Ça plane step aside ( The Anarchy Arias vs Brad Brunner vs Cuartero ) 2017 Punk Opera vs 2023 Electronic. How do you turn this ding dang thing off? Link in comments.

1 comment:

Konrad Useo said...

Stream, & d/l here -

Originally, I had a smiths vs new order track for y'all, but I pulled it for the upcoming Summer Booty 2024 album. With the popularity of my recent novelty mashups, I instead offer you this gloriously silly blend.

Eurythmics vs Teardrop Explodes

DJ Useo vs DJ Petrushka - Would Poppies Lie To You? ( Eurythmics vs Teardrop Explodes ) 1985 Synth Pop vs 1980 Neo Psych. If the Opera had...