Friday, October 11, 2019

R.E.M. vs XTC

"The Respectable Street I Love"
( R.E.M. vs XTC )
Early 80s New Wave rock vs late 80s alt rock.

Stream or d/l here -



SilentWay said...

Well done! I don't get to your blog often enough. If you would like to put a set of mashups together I would be more than happy to host them at Voodoo Wagon with links back to your page. Let me know.

Konrad Useo said...

You bet'cha. I'll be contacting you re: this idea.

Eurythmics vs Teardrop Explodes

DJ Useo vs DJ Petrushka - Would Poppies Lie To You? ( Eurythmics vs Teardrop Explodes ) 1985 Synth Pop vs 1980 Neo Psych. If the Opera had...