Sunday, October 18, 2015

Halloween-Invasion Of The Monster Mashups new album

Here's the tenth annual Monster Mashup album!
”Invasion Of The Monster Mashups”
as compiled by Count Jeremy Girard.

Two ‘discs’ of seasonal bootlegs
by many top home producers.

Heres a link for the video preview track -

“We Are Ready To Believe You”
( Tribe One and dj BC feat The Ambrose )


Obtain both discs from these links here -

Link 1

Link 2


Mark Alfred said...

Late to the party. Are there any active links? Thanks very much!


Konrad Useo said...

Always happy to update links. I wonder why those went dead? Thanks for asking.

Mark Alfred said...

Thanks, keep us posted! -- Mark

Fab Four Bootlegs Coming Monday

Your fave Fab Four tracks merged with acts like The Verve, They Might Be Giants, Adam Ant, Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Count Basie, Arthur Fiedle...