Monday, April 23, 2012

SUS 70s

Complete File Here - Link


Voicedude said...

I don't wanna bum you out or put you through any head trips, but I can totally relate to where you're coming from ...catch my drift? Far out, ma-a-a-an!

Unknown said...

nice thx!!!

Konrad Useo said...

Glad it pleased you. I run Audioboots mashup forum now & we're going to do many more themed mashup compilations. I'll post them here. Later, mon.

MemeLordJerry said...

Links are broken.
Links for 80s mashed and 80s mashed 2 disk 2 are broke also :(

Konrad Useo said...

Many thanks for the heads up. I'll have links for all restored today.
Time to do another links review on the old blog.
It's something you gotta do, regularly.
I've never had any hosting that maintained over time.

Happy to give youse mugs new ones, though.
I plan to keep al on that page loaded.

Rock out. SGR.

Konrad Useo said...

Hey SGR - All links have been tested, & work presently. Enjoy!

DJ Useo Christmas Mashups Coming Friday

Look forward to a large batch of DJ Useo variety-style Christmas mashups this Friday. Sorry I don't have time to wrap them. ;)