Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tax Machine (The Beatles vs Pink Floyd)

In anticipation of my upcoming
here's a nicely psychedelic mix
of Pink Floyds'
'Welcome To The Machine'
with new vocals from
The Beatles' 'Taxman'.

It isn't actually on the
IP3 record,but could easily have been.
Correction,by request it is on the album.

Download 1
Download 2
Download 3Download 4


Budtheweiser said...

Very nice like a warm snug pair of gloves Happy New Year Mate

Konrad Useo said...

Ditto right back atcha.
Glad ya like da track.
I tweaked it many times before I considered it ready for posting.

Budtheweiser said...

Yeah it gets better every listen for me

DJ Useo Christmas Mashups Coming Friday

Look forward to a large batch of DJ Useo variety-style Christmas mashups this Friday. Sorry I don't have time to wrap them. ;)